Residency Training in General Surgery

SURGICAL CRITICAL CARE: Goals and Objectives


The physician in training will be exposed to all aspects of surgical critical care, beginning with receiving information of a patient coming to the SICU, the initial evaluation and management, ongoing clinical care, and all aspects of care delivery provided by a multidisciplanary ICU model.


1. To learn to work in a multidisciplinary multiprofessional ICU environment.
2. To learn the art of evaluation and management of the seriously ill patient.
3. To learn the administrative responsibilities of managing an ICU.
4. To learn ICU pharmacotherapy including inotropes, chronotropes, and other drug-drug interactions.
5. To learn about the diagnosis and treatment of such entities as respiratory failure, cardiac failure, renal failure, gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary failure, coagulopathy, neurologic compromise and multiple organ failure.
6. To learn about infectious issues in the SICU and methods of evaluation and treatment.
7. To learn about mechanical ventilation and various modes of respiratory support.
8. To become proficient at performing various procedures including central line placement, pulmonary artery catheter placement, tube thorocostomy, percutaneous tracheostomy, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy and arterial cannula placement.
9. To become exposed to non-invasive monitoring methods such as bispectral index (BIS) analysis and transesophogeal Doppler.
10. To gain experience and insight into laboratory evaluation, including arterial blood gas analysis and radiographic evaluation, especially chest radiographs.

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