(For Ellen)

Meet me where the sky and air
shine upon the heaven-drowned land
where golden apples fade on the sea strand
and stone-eyed gods, severe and tall,
loom white and mythical.

Where all is poised forever glazed
above the drugged, unmoving atmosphere,
where the sky sleeps in some intenser blue
than any known to you,
and time stands still, allowing us to spend
our love to some happy end.

Let's hurry to our private rendezvous
beyond the sad galas and the social clubs
that mean nothing anymore:
let's find ourselves before we leave today
for where only you and I know the way.

Meet me there, and together we'll listen
to the starry music of a perfect night
to quell the day's appetite — and we'll see
the beautiful truth of the moon at last
lighting our world and our dreams.

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