Medical Student Education in General Surgery


Course Description

The student will participate in the pre-operative and post-operative management of children who demonstrate a wide variety of surgical disease. The patients will include newborns, infants, children and adolescents with general surgery, thoracic and head and neck problems. Responsibilities will include patient histories, physical examination, supervised order writing, operating room assistance, resident and attending working rounds and daily case presentations. Selected readings will be advised and participation in the weekly pediatric surgery conference mandated.


1. To familiarize the student with the surgical management of pediatric respiratory, gastrointestinal and neoplastic disease as well as traumatic injury.
2. To improve history taking and physical examination of infants and children with potential surgical disease.
3. To visualize surgical disease and better understand its treatment by assisting in the operating room.

Grading Policy

Students will be graded depending on the extent of their involvement in the clinical service, their attainment of the above objectives and the acquisition of knowledge.

Course Plan

Students should contact the residents on the pediatric surgical service to learn where to meet for morning work rounds on the first day of the rotation. They should also report to the pediatric surgery office (HSC T19, Room 090) to document their involvement and to bring an evaluation form that will be completed at the end of the course.

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